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Abstract Paint
Cute Baby Crawling
Nursery School 2022.png

(4 weeks to 7 months)

Inspired by the REI natural play-based approach, Hatchlings welcome endless love and attention, and spend their time discovering the world around them. They are nurtured and their specific and varied needs are understood and affectionately addressed.  They will naturally be introduced to sharing and collaboration—skills that are necessary to acquire as they show an interest in emergent relationships and play experiences with friends. Happenings may consist of reading, exploring materials, playing independently or with friends, or exploring outdoors, and will be appropriately blended into their daily routine.

Estella and Carly.jpg
Toddler with Toys

Our Morning Rhythm


7:30 - 8:45 AM

Good Morning!

Wash Hands

Child Originated Play & Work

Due to licensing regulations and  insurance coverage, children are not allowed to arrive prior to 7:30 am or more than 5 minutes before their contracted arrival time without advance approval.


8:45 AM

Healthy Nutritious Breakfast - milk, whole grain, and fruit or veggie.

Due to staggered arrival times and children eating breakfast prior to arrival, we offer a light AM Breakfast between 8:45 and 9:15 am. Children who arrive after 9:00 am should be fed in advance.



Outdoor Play, Work, Observations, and Discovery.

Outside time is offered daily. When air quality or temperature prevents outdoor play, indoor exercise & activities will be substituted .



Large Group

"Circle Time":

Classroom expectations, current events, music & movement, and activities that encourage and develop: problem-solving, empathy, intuitiveness, collaboration, self-direction, and invention.

Revisit understandings, discuss issues, solve problems, extend comprehension, plan the day, and dialogue about current learning.


Small Group Stations:

Child-initiated/led, teacher supported learning. Child originated work based on current project study. 


Teacher observations, documenting/guiding children's individual goals/interests, knowledge, and skill attainment.

Our Afternoon Rhythm



Outdoor Play, Work, Observations, and Discovery.

Outside time is offered daily. When air quality or temperature prevents outdoor play, indoor exercise & activities will be substituted.


11:45 AM

Healthy Nutritious Lunch - milk, protein, whole grain, veggie, and fruit or 2nd vaggie.

Conversations and the sense of community is developed as we eat together.


12:45 - 3:00 PM

Story Time

Dimmed Lights

Quiet Music/Sound

Children rest or sleep. 

Older children who have outgrown nap participate in quiet activities after 30 minutes of resting. All children are woken up between 2:45 & 3:00pm.


3:00 PM

Healthy Nutritious Snack - includes two of the following components: milk, protein, grain, fruit, and/or veggie.

Conversations and the sense of community is developed as we eat together.


3:00 - 5:00 PM

Child-Originated Play & Work

Project Work Continues

Have a Great Evening!

Many of our teachers have after school obligations like classes, appointments, or family oblications.  Please plan ahead for an on-time pick up.

Please Note: Infants eating, sleeping and daily schedule are determine by their individual needs.

Group gatherings will be available, but each child determines the sequence of their day.

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